Just noticed something while watching Delhi Dardevils Vs Kolkata Knight Riders on YouTube/IPL. YouTube seems to have made some serious changes for live telecast since April 07, 2010 or two three days before. The video quality has really improved a lot in resolutions and the improvement is no way lesser that one wont notice. Not sure about the technical details as unable to find any mention on their own site. But its really a welcome step.
Don’t know its due to the fact that I am getting past of teenage or the fact that losing game to Bangladesh in last World Cup made many of Indians not that much interested in Cricket anymore, but it’s is true that these are sure not those days, when I am very much involved in each bit of cricket as I was earlier used to be. Could say lack of cable at home now days might be added in to the same. With Live Telecast of IPL in this season, Youtube/Google really have connected many like me back to Cricket again.
Even then I can’t assure that I always surf YouTube/IPL page in time with start of the match everyday, but when yesterday I did the same then a pleasant surprise was waiting for me there. The quality was exactly something like might have been that of any TV Telecast. I was really up to asking that when does this happened. Even YouTube controls were different than usual (Will add screenshot of controls later) Check out ..
I am on 22” TFT+MTNL 3G+ NVidia 8600, but don’t think these things do anything much special about YouTube broadcast, but really owe you Google. :)
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